Tractor maintenance



What maintenance tasks should be performed daily on the farm tractor? Can I perform the maintenance myself?

The answer is YES! There are small daily tasks that can be performed so that our tractor is always efficient and reliable.

These maintenance tasks on the tractor should be carried out daily or when there are warning lights indicating faults.

Checking and cleaning air conveyor

With the engine cold, open the air conveyor (as pictured) for cooling the cylinders and heads and clean with compressed air, and if necessary, wash the fins of the heads and cylinders with a pressure washer.

agricultural tractor maintenance

agricultural tractor maintenance

Agricultural tractor maintenance open air conveyor

Always when the engine is cold, check the oil level via the oil dipstick that is generally located on the lower right side (as in the photo)

agricultural tractor maintenance oil level dipstick

When the machine is hot Grease the agricultural tractor every 4 hours of work during the first 150 hours of work at the points indicated in the operation and maintenance manual, then every 8 hours of work thereafter, always when the machine is hot.


agricultural tractor maintenance greasing point

The large air filter should be “blown” only after the warning light comes on; many people make the mistake of blowing it with compressed air, but actually doing so damages the filter.

Blow the filter with a simple hair dryer with cold, low air from the inside to the outside. Do not bang it to drop excess dust because it may be damaged.

Doing so will allow your air filter to be used for 3 more times, after which it will still need to be replaced.

The safety cartridge, on the other hand, does not need to be blown but only replaced every 400 working hours or so.

Maintenance operations to be performed only at the first 50 hours of operation (with a new tractor)

  • Remove the engine oil drain plug (this should be done in the evening so that the tank can be emptied completely), you will be able to replace the oil and engine oil filter generally the plug to fill the engine oil tank is located on the front right side (as pictured), the engine oil filter cartridge is located on the opposite side (see photo) and the engine oil drain plug is located in the oil pan


  • Replacement of hydraulic oil filter (as pictured)


  • Check the tension of the fan-alternator belts (as pictured)

  • Checking and tightening both inner and outer wheel fixing screws (as photo)

Every 100 working hours, check the tension of the alternator fan belts (as in FIG. 3).

Agricultural tractor maintenance operations to be performed every 200 working hours

  • Service to be performed at an authorized Antonio Carraro workshop or center.
  • Replacing all filters: oil, diesel (as pictured), air, and engine oil and resetting all tractor levels

Operations to be performed every 400 working hours

  • Replace the internal safety cartridge
  • Tighten both inner and outer wheel fixing screws (as in FIG. 4) and check tire pressure
  • Replace the hydraulic oil filters (as in FIG. 2).
  • Open the air conveyor box and externally wash the cylinder fins and heads (as FIG. 1, 2 and 3 of the air conveyor)

Maintenance operations to be performed every 800 working hours

  • Replace front and rear transmission hydraulic oil and filters
  • Replace alternator fan belts

Agricultural tractor maintenance operations every 2000 working hours or 2 years

  • Changing clutch oil

By following this step-by-step maintenance guide you will stretch and keep your farm tractor in excellent condition at all times

Antonio Carraro specifically recommends the use of the following lubricants for any top-ups or replacements.

N.B. on 21 series for engines with hydraulic tappets use Mobil Delvac XHP EXTRA 10w40 oil

To learn more about this topic, we encourage you to read the operator’s manual or contact us via the support form or through the whatsapp chat on our website.


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